Tuesday, March 30, 2010

So-Cal Visit

Here are some pictures of our recent visit to So-Cal. We drove down the 101 to visit Liliana's grandmother and great-grandmother who live in North San Diego County. We stoped in San Luis Obiso on the way down, which is a very cute college town, it just has a nice vibe with friendly people everywhere. We rented a room a hotel that had a pool, and boy did Lilibug go crazy for swimming. It was surprizing since I was not sure she remember swimming from last fall, but she was so excited to be in a pool again. This summer is going to be tremendous fun having her visit pool in the area, and possibly swim lessons too!

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Uncle Presley's Visit

Unlce Presley drove for the first time down from Vancouver, BC to the SF Bay area for the first time to meet our little Lilibug. It was a fun visit with a trip to the Academy of Science, a visit to the Golden Gate Bridge, and lots of fun at home.

Visits from Friends & Family

In the last month there have been several visits for the bug family, Dan - Daddy's friend from Utah came to the bay area for a visit, and spent five days in the bug home. Uncle Presley then traveled from Vancouver to the bay area to met and visit with Lilibug for the first time! After our visitors left we got ready and drove to So-Cal to visit with Lilibug's grandma Mimi and great-grandma Nana. We were gone for a whole week, arriving home in the middle week to prepare for Daddy's birthday, which is today!!! Busy month indeed!

Pictures of Dan's visit. We went for a hike to the Albany Waterfront Park, where there is renagade artwork along with rebar and beautiful flowers and grass growing over everything. We also went for dinner to our favorite Thai restuarant.

Saturday, February 20, 2010


Time to Reflect

Well, it's almost my birthday (tomorrow is actually my birthday) and I'm taking inventory of my life. I'll be 38 and counting. I have wondered is this where I want to be in my life? Am I happy or chasing some remnant of happiness of my past? Am I filled with same ideals of my past or have I changed my beliefs over time as the years go by? Rather am I constant or has my Essence changed with each passing day? Have I day-dreamed my life away, or have I learn to ground myself more in reality? I'm a Pisces after all, a day dreamer, who wishes to be more of a realist, a lover, a mother, a mind explorer, perhaps, there is even an artist that is burried deep within myself who wants to emerge a little at a time. The question then remains 'Who am I?'

Have I actually set out in this beautiful life and accomplished certain goals? Hmmmmm.......what brings this line of thinking??? Turning 38 is really not that big of a deal, right? Exactly, except that my partner (daddy bug) is turning 40 this year, and it's my 20 yr High School Reunion is in July, so of course, I'm taking inventory of my life! That AND I'm a Mom!! Having Liliana (our little bug) I really let myself dream bigger, think bigger, and I actual think more about the future, my future, her dad's future, and most of all her future. Funny how that works when you have a child, gone are the days of throwing caution to the wind, thinking of only yourself, and planning only for the now. These days I put Liliana first, her needs first, and thoughts of security constantly flow into my head. So here I'm taking inventory, but still wanting to be a lover, a dreamer who has tried to ground myself in reality, an idealist (to some extent), a mind explorer, and perhaps even an artist.

There are not a lot of answers I provide to the above mentioned questions, as there are more questions for my soul to feed on, to develop as I continue to grow as this person. What I can answer and take inventory of, is that I do feel fulfilled by having our lovely daughter enter into our life. She is a beautiful being who brings us much joy and happiness, so yes I have accomplished much in life, more then I ever hoped to!! Now to develop myself, my career, and my art- life, which I have the rest of my life to do and be, all in all life is so worth living, gratitude straight from the heart baby!

My spiritual questing and mind exploration has also been transformed by the appearance of the Lilibug. She has opened my eyes and guided my soul on a new path that has set me free of past meanderings. My Tarot Card is the 'Lover's Card', and my previous quest in this life has been to find the Other that completes me. Well, now being in relation with my life partner, and with the introduction of our little Lilibug I'm now more complete and full of love then I have ever experienced in any lifetime. My previous searches are over, now begins the search for myself to focus on a new and different part of my identity. It is an exciting time to be alive! I'm loved and I give love, this love is received and regenerated back outward. Inward - Outward, Up - Down, the cycle of life continues within me and through my loved ones. Here lie my introspection and insights, my reflections and thoughts of a life lived, past, present, and future. Thank-you Great Mystery, and my two great loves - Lilibug and Chretien!

Thursday, January 28, 2010


Liliana is on the mend! Pink eye is decreasing and she has a playdate planned for tomorrow morning at Studio Grow with her little buddies, Miles and Marco. I'm so happy she is feeling better, finally!! It's so hard when she is feeling under the weather, I feel so helpless when she is sick. I try to make her as comfortable as possible, but I feel so helpless when I hear her cries. I'm always so relieved when she starts to feel better.

Thank goodness for sunshine and playdates, I feel as if we have been cooped up inside the outside for far to long. Studio Grow will be lots of fun.

I can also show off my new haircut. I had 4-5 inches cut off my hair this week. It was kind of shock but my head feels so light and more comfortable now.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Pink Eye Sucks!!

Yes, it does...Liliana has pink eye (conjuctivitis) in both of her eyes, and we have been 'attempting'Italic to put drops in her eyes for the last two and half days without much change. It sucks! Poor thing, yellow dried crusties are formed on the outside of her eyes and she definitely is not in a good mood, coupled with a cold (runny nose and a cough). This is not a recipe for fun! I want her go to her school tomorrow, but she may be cooped up inside our house for yet another day (it has been raining for the last 12 days straight). Boo for pink eye! Fingers cross she can go to school, and that the sun will shine tomorrow.